Reasoning - Coding Decoding


In a certain code, 37 means which class and 583 means caste and class. What is the code for caste ?


Answer :

Option E

Explanation :

In the given statements, the common code digit is 3 and the common word is class. So, 3 means close.
Thus, in the second statement, either 5 or 8 stands for caste.

In a certain code language, 743 means mangoes are good, 657 means eat good food and 934 means mangoes are ripe. Which digit means ripe in that language ?


Answer :

Option A

Explanation :

In the first and third statements, the common code digits are 4 and 3 and the common words are mangoes and are. So, 4 and 3 are the codes for mangoes and are.
Thus, in the third statements, 9 means ripe.

In a certain code, 256 means red colour chalk, 589 means green colour flower and 245 means white colour chalk. Which digit in that code means white ?


Answer :

Option B

Explanation :

In the second and third statements, the common code digit is 5 and the common word is colour. So, 5 means colour.
In the first and third statement, 5 means colour.
The other common code digit is 2 and the common word is chalk. So, 2 means chalk.
Thus, in the third statement, 4 means white.

In a certain code, 256 means you are good, 637 means we are bad and 358 means good and bad. Which of the following represents and in that code ?


Answer :

Option C

Explanation :

In the first and third statements, the common code digit is 5 and the common word is good. So, 5 means good.
In the second and third statements, the common code digit is 3 and the common word is bad. So, 3 means bad.
Thus, in third statement, 8 means and.

In a certain code language, 526 means sky is blue, 24 means blue colour and 436 means colour is fun. Which digit in that language means fun ?


Answer :

Option C

Explanation :

In the first and third statements, the common code digit is 6 and the common word is is. So, 6 means is.
In the second and third statements, the common code digit is 4 and the common word is colour. So, 4 means colour.
Thus, in the statement, 3 means fun.
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