Reasoning - Coding Decoding


If clock is called television, television is called radio, radio is called oven, oven is called grinder and grinder is called iron, in what will a lady bake ?


Answer :

Option C

Explanation :

The lady shall bake in an oven but oven is called grinder.
So, the lady will bake in a grinder.

If orange is called butter, butter is called soap, soap is called ink, ink is called honey and honey is called orange, which of the following is used for washing clothes ?


Answer :

Option D

Explanation :

Clearly, soap is used for washing the clothes. But, soap is called ink.
So, ink is used for washing the clothes.

If sky is called sea, sea is called water, water is called air, air is called cloud and cloud is called river, then what do we drink when thirsty ?


Answer :

Option B

Explanation :

One drinks water when thirsty and as given, water is called air.

If rose is called popy, popy is called lily, lily is called lotus and lotus is called glandiola, which is the king of flowers ?


Answer :

Option D

Explanation :

The king of flowers is the lotus. But lotus is called glandiola.
So, glandiola is the king of flowers.

If white is called blue, blue is called red, red is called yellow, yellow is called green, green is called black, black is called violet and violet is called orange, what would be the colour of human blood ?


Answer :

Option C

Explanation :

The colour of the human blood is red and as given, red is called yellow.
So, the colour of human blood is yellow.
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