Reasoning - Coding Decoding
In a code language, COULD is written as BNTKC and MARGIN is written as LZQFHM, how will MOULDING be written in that code ?
Each letter in the word is moved one step backward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.
Answer :
Option CExplanation :
Each letter in the word is moved one step backward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.
Which of the following words would correctly decode the word ZHOFRPH if the simple alphabet shifting code is used ?
The given code is obtained by moving each letter of the word WELCOME three steps forward.
Answer :
Option DExplanation :
The given code is obtained by moving each letter of the word WELCOME three steps forward.
In a certain language, SHIFT is coded as RFFBO, which word would be coded as LKUMB ?
The first, second, third, fourth and fifth letter in the word are respectively one, two, three, four and five steps ahead of the corresponding letter of the code.
Answer :
Option AExplanation :
The first, second, third, fourth and fifth letter in the word are respectively one, two, three, four and five steps ahead of the corresponding letter of the code.
If QKKQUGQL is the code for OMISSION, which word is coded as RYVIWZB ?
In the code, we have alternately one letter two places ahead and the other two places behind the corresponding letter in the word.
Answer :
Option AExplanation :
In the code, we have alternately one letter two places ahead and the other two places behind the corresponding letter in the word.
In a certain language, CALCUTTA is coded as GEPGYXXE, which word would be coded as FSQFCE ?
Each letter of the word is four steps behind the corresponding letter of the code.
Answer :
Option AExplanation :
Each letter of the word is four steps behind the corresponding letter of the code.
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