Numeric Puzzles
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
601Explanation :
Starting at the top, double each number and add 7 to give the next number down.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
18Explanation :
Starting on the top left, and moving clockwise around the diagram, add the first two values together to give the next value along. Repeat this sequence.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
14Explanation :
In each diagram, the number at the top equals the average of the four smaller numbers.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
6Explanation :
Starting with the numbers in the top row, left to right, multiply each one by 2 and write the results in the lower row, from right to left.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
5Explanation :
Working in rows, in each row the central number is equal to the difference between the sum of the even numbers in the row and the sum of the odd numbers in the row.