Numeric Puzzles
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
7Explanation :
Reading each row of the diagram as a series of 3 digit numbers, the centre 3 digit number equals the sum of the top 2 numbers, and the sum of the lower 2 numbers.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
19Explanation :
As you move diagonally down, numbers follow the sequence of Prime Numbers.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
2Explanation :
Starting with the 10 at the top, one set of numbers increases by 3 each time, written in alternate boxes as you move down the diagram, and the other set of numbers decreases by 2, written in the boxes remaining.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
9Explanation :
Starting with the top left square, and moving clockwise around the other 3, the sum of the digits in each square follows the sequence 20, 19, 18, 17.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
4Explanation :
In each diamond, add the left and right hand numbers together, and subtract this sum from the top number to give the value at the bottom.