Numeric Puzzles
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
5Explanation :
Working through the diagram in rows, find the difference between the left and right hand values, then add 2 to give the value in the central space.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
30Explanation :
Working in columns, divide the top value by 2 to give the middle value, and multiply this by 3 to give the bottom value.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
6Explanation :
Work through the diagram in horizontal rows. The sum of the numbers in each row is always 23.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
17Explanation :
In each star, the number in the centre equals the difference between the sum of the even numbers and the sum of the odd numbers around the points of the star.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
1Explanation :
Start with the top left circle, and move around the others in a W shape. The sum of the numbers in each circle follows the sequence of 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18.