Numeric Puzzles
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
16Explanation :
As you move downwards, numbers increase by 3, then 2, then 1, before repeating this pattern.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
11Explanation :
Working through the diagram in columns, add 4 to the top number to give the middle one, and add 6 to this number to give the lowest one.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
93Explanation :
Starting with the top segment, and moving clockwise, add the numbers in the first two segments together and subtract 7 to give the next number around.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
2Explanation :
In each diagram, the central value equals the sum of the left and right hand digits, minus the sum of the upper and lower digits.
Which number replaces the question mark ?
Answer :
5Explanation :
Take pairs of numbers at opposite ends of the diagram. Their total is always 10.