Programming - PHP


What will be the output of the following PHP code?

   $name = "Jerry";
   echo substr_replace($name, 'Tom', 0, 0); 

Answer :

Option C

Explanation :

The substr_replace() function is used to replace a part of a string with another string. It has the following syntax: substr_replace(string, replacement, start, length) where the start option specifies where to start replacing in the string.
If length is zero, the substr_replace() function inserts the string instead of replacing it.
In the above script, the start parameter is zero, which means that the replacement will start from the beginning. However, here the length parameter is also zero, which means that an insertion operation will be performed instead of replacement.

What will be the output of the following PHP code?

   $fruits = array("apple", "orange", array("grapes", "mango"), "banana");
   echo (count($fruits, 1));

Answer :

Option D

Explanation :

The function count() will return the number of elements in an array. The parameter 1 counts the array recursively i.e it will count all the elements of multidimensional arrays.

What will be the output of the following PHP code?

   $x = true and false;

Answer :

Option A

Explanation :

= operator takes precedence over the and operator in order of operations, so $x = true and false ends up being functionally equivalent to:
$x = true; //sets $x equal to true
true and false; //results in false, but has no affect on anything

What will be the output of the following PHP code?

   $text = 'Exam';
   $text[7] = 'Adda';
   echo $text;

Answer :

Option A

What will be the output of the following PHP code?

   $a = range(3, 9);
   foreach ($a as $b) {
     switch($b) {
       case 3:
         $b  =  7;
       case 7:
         $b  =  3;
         //do nothing
   echo implode('-',$a);

Answer :

Option C

Explanation :

The range(3,9) gives us an array containing all integers from 3 to 9. When we foreach over them, we can't change the values in the array, so the contents of $a remain unchanged (you need to use the array and the key to update a value during foreach).
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